Book Recommendation: In the Company of Women

As summer is coming to a close, I have the perfect book for every woman to read to get motivated and inspired as we head into fall! In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney is a New York Times bestseller, and for good reason! This book is a compilation of over 100 stories of successful women in various field- from artists to professors to entrepreneurs. The photography in the book is also beautiful- Don’t you love when a book is as aesthetically pleasant as the words in it??

I always keep this book in my office to peruse through when I need a little inspiration and a break from staring at my screen all day. I am consistently blown away reading the stories of these revolutionary women, and I want to share some of these women and my favorite quotes from them for you today! If you would like your own copy, or want to get one for the driven woman in your life, get your own copy here!

Success in business is seeing how badly you can fail and stilll love yourself
— Mary Going (Fashion Designer located in Berkeley CA)
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Liz Lambert - Hotelier located in Austin, TX

Name the biggest overall lesson you’ve learned in running a business.

“It’s been said before, but people are your biggest asset. There is no way that you can be everywhere at once, and you wouldn’t want to be. Put the right people in the right place and your job becomes easier.”'

What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve made in starting or running your business?

“When you start your own business, it’s an enormous amount of work and worry. But I don’t know if I would call that sacrifice. Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

Has learning from a mistake ever led you to success?

“They say in the hospitality industry that more people will remember you for righting a mistake than for having a seamless experience from beginning to end.”

Success is contextual and fleeting, so when things are harmonious, even for a moment, I try to savor it.
— Ping Zhu (Illustrator located in Brooklyn, NY)
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Janet Mock - Author and Television Host located in New York, NY

What did you want to be when you were a child?

“When I was younger, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, an everyday crusader who slayed people with my didatic speeches and pencil skirts.”

Name a fear or professional challenge that keeps you up at night.

“A consistent fear is: Am I doing enough? Does my work really matter?… What I always have to remind myself is that it is okay to recognize that doubt but it cannot stay for long.”

What does the world near more of? less of?

“The world needs more listening and less talking.”

I think the world needs more authentic, honest, and vulnerable connections. As an individual I think this results in richer relationships, and as a businesswoman I find that the result is a sincere collaboration between my customer and me. Less polish, more authenticity.
— Karen Young
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Eileen Fisher - Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur located in Irvington, NY

What was the best piece of business advice you were given when you were starting out?

“Grow organically… If you create a product that people truly enjoy and benefit from, profitability will always follow.”

What does success mean to you?

“Happy customers: finding women who love our clothes… Helping others: employees, other female entrepreneurs, girls’ leadership.”

And finally, I want to end off with my favorite quote in the entire book, which reminds me of the way I run Egan Law Center: “Everyone I work with gets their fair share, and is treated with kindness both in business and in friendship.” - Mary Lambert


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