Does Divorce Revoke a Will?

No, your will is still valid after a divorce. However, any gifts you have left your former spouse in your will will be revoked. If there are alternative beneficiaries in your will, any gifts or inheritance will go to these listed beneficiaries instead. If there are no alternative beneficiaries listed, then your inheritance will be distributed to relative via state law. After any major life change, it is highly recommended that you should update your will. This will ensure that you have total control over who will receive gifts and inheritance from you after you die. Otherwise, your will may be executed in a way that does not align with your values or wishes as it becomes up to the state to divide your inheritance and assets you left behind.

As a divorce and estate planning attorney, many clients will update their will with me after finalizing their divorce to make sure all their legal paperwork is up-to-date after a life change as major as a divorce. If you need to update your will, or are considering a divorce, schedule a consultation below:


Can I Get A Restraining Order For My Child?


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