How Are Parenting Plans Decided?

Parenting plans are decided in matters such as divorce, modifications, and complaints for child custody-support-parenting time. Parenting plans are always decided with the child’s best interests in mind. What does this mean in practice? It can mean a lot of things. If the child does not do well with frequent transitions, then a parenting plan that limits transitions would be best for the child. If the child’s parents are running into issues having to interact during transitions, a parenting plan where transitions happen without both parents being there (such as through separate pick-ups and drop-offs to school) can be in the best interest of the child.

The idea that many people have in mind of custody when they think of divorce goes something like this: Mother is the primary caregiver, and Father gets every other weekend and a Wednesday dinner. Gone are the days where parenting plans are so uniform. Parenting plans are uniquely tailored now to each family, and can even differ from child to child within a family. There may even be different schedules based on the school year versus summertime.


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