All About Postnuptial Agreements

Prenups are the agreements that get all the attention these days, but postnups can be the unsung heroes in marriages. While postnups are held to a higher standard than prenups when tested in the courthouse, postnups are often used to save a marriage that is headed to divorce.

Sometimes, your partner can be your perfect match in every way, but your financial situations can strain your relationship. For example, if you or your partner has a gambling addiction, than a postnuptial agreement that separates your finances can help save a marriage while the person gets the help they need.

On the other hand, postnups can also help you save your partner from extraordinary situations that arose after your marriage, such as new debts from student loans. Postnups can help protect your partner and can actually come from love rather than a desperate situation.

Would you consider a postnup? Let me know in the comments below!


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