Divorce Doesn’t Have to be Scary With the Right Financial Plan

Have you ever heard of the saying, “It’s cheaper to keep her”? This saying is often said by men who are afraid to leave their wives because of the financial burden that accompanies divorce. While I certainly don’t think it’s smart to stay in a loveless marriage, I understand that there is this conception that divorce will leave you financially devastated.

However, this does not have to be the case. Of course, any time assets are divided, this will leave both parties with less than they once had. However, the emotional and mental stress that is relieved from moving on with this chapter in your life is invaluable. Furthermore, there is a myriad of ways to assuage financial difficulties that may arise from your divorce. Here at Egan Law Center, we know that our clients need more than a divorce lawyer- They need a team. Financial advisors, mortgage lenders, and other professional contacts can all work together to help protect and grow your assets.

You can read more about this topic HERE. If you want to get started with putting together your divorce team, fill out the form below!


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