Is your child struggling moving between houses during the school year?

Transitions can be tough for children, and even young adults. The change from one home to two can be emotionally difficult, but it can also cause some academic difficulties for children. If your children are consistently forgetting homework or school supplies at one home, or have different routines at each house that can make it hard for them to get their work done when they need to, or if transition times break up their studying time, it may be time to modify your parenting plan with your ex-spouse.

Any modifications to parenting plans should be done with the child’s best interest at the heart of the matter. Perhaps one parent loves to be the fun parent but has a hard time making sure the child gets adequate time to study and sleep. In this case, perhaps a schedule that gives one parent primary parenting time during the school year, with time for vacations and extended parenting time for the other parent in the summer, is in the best interest of the child.

On the other hand, maybe you just need to reduce the number of weekly transitions for your child who may be struggling with organization and frequent transitions between homes. For some families, the one week off/one week on schedule may be better.

If you’re thinking about modifying your parenting plan and want to know all the options, schedule a consultation with Attorney Egan by filling out the form below!


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