Don't Forget the Essentials: Estate Planning for College-Bound Kids
Sending your child off to college is a momentous occasion. Dorm room must-haves, packing lists, and goodbyes are all part of the process. But amidst the excitement, there's one crucial step that often gets overlooked: estate planning for your young adult.

How Cryptocurrency and NFTs Fit into Your Estate Plan
Five years ago, cryptocurrency was probably not on your radar. Today, it may be an important investment in your portfolio. You could even own some nonfungible tokens (NFTs), which are powered by the same blockchain-based technology. Despite the dizzying fluctuations in the value of these assets, you should ensure that they are included in your estate plan so you can preserve them for your heirs.

Can I disclaim a relative from my inheritance?
Sometimes, clients come to our office not to specifically delineate their family members and loved ones in their will, but to intentionally disinherit, or “disclaim” certain family members from receiving any inheritance, or gaining the power to make important decisions, on your behalf.

Britney Spears and Conservatorships
Exactly one month ago today, Britney Spear’s conservatorship was ended in one of the most heavily publicized legal battles. Spear’s conservatorship had lasted over 14 years due to the judgement that she was unable to take care of herself. Her estate, medical decisions, and mental health were in the hands of her father, Jamie Spears, and care professional Jodi Montgomery.