Turning 18? Here’s Why You Need an Estate Plan (Yes, Really!)
Turning 18 is a big deal. You’re officially an adult—no more curfews (unless you’re still under your parents’ roof, of course), you can vote, and you’re in charge of your own decisions. But with that new freedom comes responsibility, and one thing most people don’t think about at 18 is an estate plan.
I get it—when I turned 18, estate planning wasn’t even on my radar. Wills and legal documents seemed like something for rich old people, not for someone just starting out. But here’s the thing: once you’re legally an adult, your parents can’t just step in and make decisions for you anymore. And if something unexpected happens? Without the right documents in place, things can get complicated fast.
So let’s talk about why estate planning actually matters for you right now—and no, you don’t need to own a house or have tons of money for it to be important.
1. Your Parents Can’t Automatically Make Medical or Financial Decisions Anymore
This is one of the biggest shocks for people when they turn 18. If you’re in an accident or get seriously ill, doctors can’t just call your parents and let them decide on your treatment. Financial institutions won’t let them access your bank account or handle bills for you either.
Without a healthcare proxy and durable power of attorney, your parents (or whoever you trust) might have to go to court just to be able to help you. That’s a lot of stress and money that could be avoided with two simple documents.
👉 What to do: Pick someone you trust to make medical and financial decisions if you’re unable to, and get the right documents in place.
2. Who’s in Charge of Your Stuff? (Even If It’s Just Your Dog or Laptop)
Okay, maybe you don’t have a mansion or a million-dollar bank account. But you probably have things that matter to you—your car, your gaming setup, your favorite sneakers, maybe even a pet.
Without a will, the state decides where your stuff goes. If you care about who gets what (or making sure your dog goes to the right person), a simple will makes that clear.
👉 What to do: Write down who you’d want to handle your belongings if something happens, and put it in a legally valid will.
3. Digital Life: Who Gets Your Social Media, Photos, and Accounts?
Think about all the accounts you have—Instagram, TikTok, email, Venmo, online banking, even your cloud storage full of photos. If something happens to you, can anyone access them? Without a plan, your accounts could be locked forever.
A digital assets plan lets you decide who can manage your online life, whether that means closing accounts, saving photos, or handling financial accounts.
👉 What to do: Make a list of your key accounts and passwords (use a password manager!), and name someone you trust to handle them.
4. College and Privacy Laws: Your Parents Might Be Shut Out
If you’re going off to college, here’s something wild: once you turn 18, your parents can’t access your medical or academic records—even if they’re paying tuition! Laws like FERPA (for school records) and HIPAA (for medical records) mean that without a signed release, your parents won’t automatically be able to help if there’s a medical emergency or a school-related issue.
👉 What to do: Sign a HIPAA authorization and FERPA waiver so your parents (or someone you trust) can step in if needed.
5. It’s Not About Money—It’s About Control
I used to think estate planning was just about dividing up money, but really, it’s about making sure your choices are respected. It’s about control—over your medical care, your belongings, and even your online life.
Setting up these documents now means you’re protecting yourself and the people who care about you. Plus, once it’s done, you don’t have to think about it much—you can just get back to enjoying this new chapter of life.
Final Thoughts: Adulting Done Right
Look, I know you’ve got a million other things to focus on right now, but getting a basic estate plan is one of the smartest (and easiest) steps into adulthood. It doesn’t take long, but it makes a huge difference.
So if you’re turning 18 (or recently did), take a little time to put a plan in place. Your future self—and your family—will thank you