The Growing Importance of Tech-Savvy Law Firms

The world has become increasingly dependent on technology, and the pandemic has only exacerbated this dependence. Work from home and hybrid styles of jobs have become more and more popular, with some companies fully making the switch permanently.

Court hearings have been moved to Zoom, along with client meetings, four-way conferences, and virtually every other event ranging from networking to small social gatherings.

The world has become increasingly dependent on technology, and the pandemic has only exacerbated this dependence. Work from home and hybrid styles of jobs have become more and more popular, with some companies fully making the switch permanently. Court hearings have been moved to Zoom, along with client meetings, four-way conferences, and virtually every other event ranging from networking to small social gatherings.

Law firms are notorious for their giant case files, scribbled legal pads, and stacks of papers all over their desks. So, how have these law firms been faring since the pandemic? Well, the law firms that have managed to successfully move their practice online and communicate virtually with their clients are the most sought-after law firms.

At the Egan Law Center, we use Clio, a law firm management software, to store our client’s files electronically. Clio can be used to securely transfer sensitive documents from client to lawyer, allow lawyers to work anywhere and at any time, as well as organize all our files and documents much more efficiently than bulky case files.

Of course, it is almost impossible to completely give up handwritten notes during an unexpected, emergency meeting, or from having paper case files. However, clients now prioritize easy document transfers, streamlined communication platforms, and a lawyer who has the skills to navigate technology successfully.

If you are seeking a lawyer and prefer a lawyer with extensive technological knowledge, fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation!



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