What I Learned About a Flight of Stairs


Last night, I was holding my toddler daughter’s hands as she climbed up the kitchen stairs. She always attacks them with such enthusiasm and sheer guts (sometimes a little too brave in her endeavors these days). She’s still wobbly and the steps are fairly steep. 

What really impressed me about her approach was a complete lack of overwhelm. Each step landed resulted in a smile or giggle knowing that she was that much closer to the top. 

What a gift it was to witness that. It’s a great reminder that it’s impossible to start at the first stair and move to the top of the landing with your first step. It's a journey. 

This is just like the divorce process. You’re going to climb stairs. There will be a series of them. You will get to the top. And just like I was holding my daughter’s hands, I’ll be here to hold yours, and we’ll celebrate together at the top.


Current Reading Obsessions for Business, Self-Improvement, and Fun


Have a Piece of Cake