Why Are Divorces More Common in January?

Holidays are usually a very special time for families. It is a time of closeness, gratitude, and giving. Why, then, do google searches for divorces peak in January?


Many people may hold off from seriously considering divorce until the magical holiday season is over. Many lawyers can attest to the slow drop in divorce consultations as November rolls around. Perhaps they are waiting to feel that spark of love again on Christmas day, or want to keep some normalcy for their kids during the holiday season. January is known as a month for new beginnings, which may motivate some people to make the changes in their life they need to make.

Some have argued against January’s nickname as the “Divorce month”, as divorce filings actually peak in March and August. However, it usually takes people a couple months between first considering divorce and finding a lawyer and actually filing the divorce paperwork.

August could be another popular time for divorce filings as children head back to school and summer turns to a close. Many parents do not want to risk their kids witnessing any potential fighting and tension that may happen when they break the news to their spouse that they want a divorce.

While keeping the children away from any discussion of divorce with your partner is a good idea, wallowing in your unhappiness to pick the “right” time to divorce your spouse can just hold you off even longer from realizing the true life and love you deserve. While preserving the sanctity of the holidays is understandable, an internal analysis of the costs and benefits of putting off this difficult conversation should be done to ensure that the cost to you by waiting is not more than the benefit of a “normal” holiday. Besides, if you’re feeling upset and done with your marriage, chances are your loved ones can feel that something is amiss.

Whether you decide to hold off on breaking the news or choose to rip the band-aid off right away, you are the one who know’s what’s best for your family and your particular situation. Divorce is not an easy process, and if you are looking for a divorce attorney to guide you through the process, feel free to fill out the form below.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/04/style/january-divorce-month.html


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