How to Keep Your Children in Mind While You’re Getting a Divorce

Although many partners going through a divorce are usually extremely worried about the effect of their divorce on their children, research shows that it is not the divorce itself, but the fighting that goes on between parents that can cause things like low self-esteem, poor academic performance, and depression. Keeping this in mind, here are some of the most important tips to keep in mind to make sure your divorce is as easy for your child as it could be.

1. Do not make disparaging comments about your former spouse while your children are listening, as this can contribute to low self-esteem for your child.

2. Do not ask your child to be the one to relay messages to your former spouse. 

3. Ensure that your child knows the divorce is not their fault. 

4. Do not try to keep your child from seeing their other parent during that parent’s visitation times. 

5. Above all issues with you and your former spouse, remind yourself that the happiness and well-being of your child take first priority. 

6. Don’t let your child feel as though they now have a responsibility to take care of you. Even though this time may call upon you to rely on more people for support, you should find this support from friends, family, and professionals. 

7. Do not withhold child support payments. No matter how hostile your marriage may have ended, withholding child support comes at a direct financial consequence to your child.

8. If you can, try not to move your child away from their friends, school, and former life. During this time, it is important to try to keep as little from changing as possible. 

9. Make sure that any time you and your ex-partner fight, it is well out of earshot of any curious child.

10. Take care of yourself! A happy child is hard to come by without the presence of a happy parent to foster a sense of well-being and positivity within their child.


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