Keeping the Family Home in a Divorce
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Keeping the Family Home in a Divorce

One of the most frequently asked questions we get from prospective and current divorce clients is, “How do I keep my family home in the divorce?” Understandably, most people have intense emotional attachments to the family home and the idea of selling your home can be devastating. Sometimes, people want to keep the family home, not for themselves, but because they believe it will be easier on the children if they can stay in the home they are used to.

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What is the right divorce process for me?
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What is the right divorce process for me?

Typically, there are two paths to divorce. The first way is called a “1a divorce”. A 1a divorce is the more amicable route to divorce. For a 1a divorce, the parties work together behind-the-scenes to negotiate a settlement agreement with the help from their attorneys.

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Is the Seven-Year Itch Real?
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Is the Seven-Year Itch Real?

The seven-year itch is more than just an old classic starring Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe. The average duration of marriages that end in divorce is indeed around 7-8 years long. Not to fear, however, as statistics also show that the divorce rate is decreasing, which may be due to younger generations choosing to wait later in life before tying the knot.

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Navigating Thanksgiving After a Divorce

Navigating Thanksgiving After a Divorce

Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away! While some may rejoice at the thought of gathering with extended family and spending the day feeling grateful, social, and stuffed with food, this upcoming holiday can be very difficult for those who are recently divorced. Your first Thanksgiving without your spouse may feel extra lonely, as some traditions the two of you had together are no more. If you are sharing custody of your children, perhaps this is your first Thanksgiving you don’t get to spend fully with your child. You are not alone in your feelings as you navigate the upcoming holiday season.

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Infidelity… What Does it Mean for Your Divorce?
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Infidelity… What Does it Mean for Your Divorce?

Infidelity… it’s a scary word for anyone in a monogamous relationship or marriage to hear. 1 out of 5 men have reported that they have cheated on their partner while married (General Social Survey). Uncovering infidelity can be an emotionally devastating experience and oftentimes leads to divorce. The anger and hurt that accompanies finding out your partner broke their marriage vows can leave many people furious and ready to take their partner for all their worth… it’s only fair, right???

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What Does Divorce Mean for a Stay-at-Home Mom?

What Does Divorce Mean for a Stay-at-Home Mom?

Unfortunately, even in 2021, stay-at-home moms can be looked down upon in society. However, this does not mean that you will be left destitute in the event of a divorce. In the state of Massachusetts, divorces need to be fair and equitable. While this does not mean you are guaranteed a 50/50 division of your assets, it does mean that you should not be penalized for your choice to stay at home and raise your family.

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How to Keep Your Children in Mind While You’re Getting a Divorce
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How to Keep Your Children in Mind While You’re Getting a Divorce

Although many partners going through a divorce are usually extremely worried about the effect of their divorce on their children, research shows that it is not the divorce itself, but the fighting that goes on between parents that can cause things like low self-esteem, poor academic performance, and depression. Keeping this in mind, here are some of the most important tips to keep in mind to make sure your divorce is as easy for your child as it could be.

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