Financials 101: What You Need to Know When Getting a Divorce

Financials 101: What You Need to Know When Getting a Divorce

The last thing on most people’s minds when they are going through a divorce is their financials. The emotional distress, anxieties over one’s changing living situation, and custody of their child are at the forefront of many people’s worries, and for good reason.

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Is the Seven-Year Itch Real?
Divorce, Marriage, divorce questions Guest User Divorce, Marriage, divorce questions Guest User

Is the Seven-Year Itch Real?

The seven-year itch is more than just an old classic starring Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe. The average duration of marriages that end in divorce is indeed around 7-8 years long. Not to fear, however, as statistics also show that the divorce rate is decreasing, which may be due to younger generations choosing to wait later in life before tying the knot.

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What Does Divorce Mean for a Stay-at-Home Mom?

What Does Divorce Mean for a Stay-at-Home Mom?

Unfortunately, even in 2021, stay-at-home moms can be looked down upon in society. However, this does not mean that you will be left destitute in the event of a divorce. In the state of Massachusetts, divorces need to be fair and equitable. While this does not mean you are guaranteed a 50/50 division of your assets, it does mean that you should not be penalized for your choice to stay at home and raise your family.

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Is My Husband a Narcissist?
divorce, divorce questions Guest User divorce, divorce questions Guest User

Is My Husband a Narcissist?

It can take years, even decades, to recognize the signs of narcissistic personality in your significant other. Many times the signs of narcissism do not become clear until the added responsibilities and duties of marriage begin. In fact, some of the telltale signs, such as confidence and assertiveness can actually be seen as positives, until they start to get out of control.

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