Love is in the Air...and So Are Divorce Papers: A Valentine's Day Dispatch from Your Friendly Neighborhood Divorce Attorney
holiday, love, Divorce, divorce attorney Lauren Linquata holiday, love, Divorce, divorce attorney Lauren Linquata

Love is in the Air...and So Are Divorce Papers: A Valentine's Day Dispatch from Your Friendly Neighborhood Divorce Attorney

Ah, Valentine's Day. A time for romance, roses, and…well, in my world, a noticeable uptick in inquiries about prenuptial agreements and the legal definition of "irreconcilable differences." It's like Cupid himself moonlights as a process server.

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Attorney Lindsey E. Egan: The Legal Superstar You'll Actually Enjoy Working With!
divorce attorney, Divorce Lindsey Egan divorce attorney, Divorce Lindsey Egan

Attorney Lindsey E. Egan: The Legal Superstar You'll Actually Enjoy Working With!

Legal matters can be stressful and intimidating, but fear not! We've found the unicorn of lawyers who combines exceptional skills with a wicked sense of humor. Enter attorney Lindsey E. Egan, the legal superstar you'll not only want in your corner but also want to grab a margarita with afterward. Let's dive into why Attorney Egan is the best lawyer, and we promise, this won't be your typical legal spiel. 

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Financials 101: What You Need to Know When Getting a Divorce

Financials 101: What You Need to Know When Getting a Divorce

The last thing on most people’s minds when they are going through a divorce is their financials. The emotional distress, anxieties over one’s changing living situation, and custody of their child are at the forefront of many people’s worries, and for good reason.

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Navigating Thanksgiving After a Divorce

Navigating Thanksgiving After a Divorce

Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away! While some may rejoice at the thought of gathering with extended family and spending the day feeling grateful, social, and stuffed with food, this upcoming holiday can be very difficult for those who are recently divorced. Your first Thanksgiving without your spouse may feel extra lonely, as some traditions the two of you had together are no more. If you are sharing custody of your children, perhaps this is your first Thanksgiving you don’t get to spend fully with your child. You are not alone in your feelings as you navigate the upcoming holiday season.

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