Friday Reset: Why I Need to Unwind as a Family Attorney
Fridays hit differently for me. After a week of emotionally charged cases, tough negotiations, and guiding clients through some of the most difficult times in their lives, the weight of the job feels especially heavy.

Gratitude During Hard Times
When life gets hard, the last thing on our minds is gratitude. Sometimes, it can feel like everything is conspiring to come together to make your life as miserable as possible. When you’re feeling down on your luck, it can be easy to focus only on the negatives.

5 Reasons Why We Love Family Law
There’s no better feeling than a major court victory for a very deserving client. Many of our clients come to us after being pro se and bullied by either opposing counsel or were not able to articulate their argument to the judge. The feeling of righting the wrongs that have been done for our clients makes all of the hard work worth it!

Re-Evaluating Relationships this Spring
It feels like Spring took just about forever to get here, but I feel confident in saying that is finally, fully, completely here! The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and I’ve come out of my winter hibernation ready to take on the world!

How to Best Utilize Your Family Law Attorney
There’s a saying, “Time is money”, and this certainly rings true when working with attorneys, who typically bill by the hour. Litigation is emotionally draining on its own without the added pressure of extensive attorney fees, so here are some tips and tricks for mitigating your legal fees:

How to File for Adoption in Massachusetts
Filing for adoption in Massachusetts can be incredibly simple or complex depending on the situational factors. Either way, it is strongly recommended by mass.gov to retain an attorney for the adoption process.