How Much Will a Divorce Cost Me?

It depends. No one wants to hear that answer to a question as pressing as anticipated costs for an upcoming divorce. However, there are some factors that can help determine whether you’re looking at a more expensive divorce than you might have expected.

High-net worth couples often have more expensive divorces as they may have many forms of income and may need to hire a financial divorce analyst to help them with their financial statements from the past three years. The sheer amount of marital assets a couple shares can take lots of time and negotiations to fairly and equitable split the assets between Husband and Wife.

If your soon to be ex-partner and you had a rather amicable split, and you don’t anticipate a contentious divorce, you can expect to have a shorter and less expensive divorce. Multiple properties, child custody issues, and alimony can all contribute to a costlier divorce.

Since every divorce is so unique and cost is dependent on a myriad of factors that will be different for each and every family, you can see why lawyers can almost never tell you exactly how much a divorce will cost without knowing all the facts of your personal situation as you begin your divorce.

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